RPA has been providing the professional real estate appraisal and counseling throughout all of Florida since 1981. Real Property Analysts is solely owned by Robert Sutte CRE, MAI, SRA
Mr. Sutte has been a Florida REALTORS® Association and Graduate Realtor Institute instructor since 1982. In his other life, he is a residential, commercial, and industrial appraiser and consultant. He is owner of Real Property Analysts of Orlando and his work is primarily throughout the State of Florida. His experience also includes land use and marketability studies, highest and best use analyses, and economic feasibility studies as well as direct survey services to gauge the marketability of real estate space and/or property.
Mr. Sutte has served as a real estate appraiser and consultant to a wide variety of private and public clients in nineteen states and the District of Columbia. His background includes both real property valuation and real estate counseling on the most efficient and profitable solutions to various real estate problems. Mr. Sutte has had training and experience in the field of finance and experience in designing environmentally acceptable mixed use land development plans.
Mr. Sutte is a member of the Appraisal Institute (MAI, SRA) and is also a member of the Counselors of Real Estate (CRE). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. His real estate teaching experience has included membership in the national faculty of the Appraisal Institute since 1972. Mr. Sutte received the Harold D. Albritton Award from the Appraisal Institute. This was presented in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Real Estate education. He has also conducted various real estate seminars for the Appraisal Institute and for the Florida Continuing Education Express Series.
Mr. Sutte also served as a faculty member of the College of Extended Studies at the University of Central Florida. He has taught at the Illinois, Alabama, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island REALTORS® Institutes. He holds the following real estate licenses: